Do readers obtain preview benefit from transposed words in English? ▪ Bernhard Angele, Keith Rayner, Elizabeth R. Schotter, & Klinton Bicknell (University of California, San Diego) |
Automatic and recruitable: MEG evidence for an obligatory but flexible combinatory mechanism in the LATL ▪ Douglas K. Bemis & Liina Pylkkänen (New York University) |
Verb omission errors: Evidence of rational noisy-channel language processing ▪ Leon Bergen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Roger Levy (University of California, San Diego), & Edward Gibson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
Eye-tracking evidence for implicit prosodic phrasing of unambiguous sentences ▪ Mara Breen (Mount Holyoke College), Alexander Pollatsek, & Adrian Staub (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) |
Retrieval of irregular polysemes: Evidence from priming and eye-movements ▪ Andreas Brocher (University at Buffalo), Stephani Foraker (Buffalo State College), Jean-Pierre Koenig, & Gail Mauner (University at Buffalo) |
Number agreement and attraction in late Italian-English bilinguals ▪ Patrycja Bukowiecka, Holly P. Branigan, & Martin J. Pickering (University of Edinburgh) |
Anticipatory deaccenting in online language comprehension: A phonemic restoration study ▪ Kathleen Carbary (Columbia Basin College), Meredith Brown, Christine Gunlogson, Joyce McDonough, Aleksandra Fazlipour, & Michael K. Tanenhaus (University of Rochester) |
Uncertainty and prediction in relativized structures across East Asian languages ▪ Zhong Chen, Jiwon Yun, John Whitman, & John Hale (Cornell University) |
Focusing on indefinite noun phrases in German and English: Consequences of reference form on the subsequent discourse ▪ Sofiana Iulia Chiriacescu (University of Stuttgart) |
Word skipping in eye movements during sentence reading: Effects of lexicality of the letter string in parafoveal preview ▪ Wonil Choi & Peter C. Gordon (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) |
Different effects of focus in intra- and inter-sentential pronoun resolution in German and French ▪ Saveria Colonna (University of Paris 8), Sarah Schimke (University of Osnabrück), Tiphaine Medam (University of Paris 8), & Barbara Hemforth (CNRS & University of Paris Diderot) |
Text change blindness and alternative focus sets ▪ Wind Cowles, Maria Fionda, & Michelle Perdomo (University of Florida) |
The time-course of reference resolution in picture noun phrases: Evidence from eye-movements during reading ▪ Ian Cunnings & Patrick Sturt (University of Edinburgh) |
Word-order uncertainty induces alternative, non-veridical structures in online comprehension ▪ Gabriel Doyle & Roger Levy (University of California, San Diego) |
High-cost referential support of relative clause ambiguities ▪ Amit Dubey, Patrick Sturt, & Frank Keller (University of Edinburgh) |
Quantifier scope ambiguity and the timing of algorithmic processing ▪ Veena D. Dwivedi (Brock University) |
Picture priming of logical form generalizes across nouns, but not across verbs ▪ Roman Feiman, Cara Aiello, & Jesse Snedeker (Harvard University) |
Integrating cross-domain information in predictions ▪ Ian R. Finlayson, Robin J. Lickley (Queen Margaret University), & Martin Corley (University of Edinburgh) |
Phonological and orthographic overlap effects in fast priming ▪ Steven Frisson (University of Birmingham), Nathalie N. Bélanger, & Keith Rayner (University of California, San Diego) |
Processing of subject relatives in SLI children during structural priming and sentence repetition ▪ Maria Garraffa, Moreno I. Coco, & Holly P. Branigan (University of Edinburgh) |
Unifying the perspective-taking debate within a cue-integration framework: Addressees are sensitive to both perspective and referential fit ▪ Kristen S. Gorman & Michael K. Tanenhaus (University of Rochester) |
Priming effects of spatial distance on semantic similarity: Abstract sentence comprehension is modulated by unrelated visual context ▪ Ernesto Guerra & Pia Knoeferle (Bielefeld University) |
Perspective-taking behavior as the probabilistic weighing of multiple domains ▪ Daphna Heller (University of Toronto), Christopher Parisien (Nuance Communications), & Suzanne Stevenson (University of Toronto) |
Brain responses to negation: An fMRI study with Japanese negative polarity items ▪ Masako Hirotani (Carleton University, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences), Angela D. Friederici (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences), Hiroki C. Tanabe, Koji Shimada, Mika Yamazaki-Murase, & Norihiro Sadato (National Institute for Physiological Sciences) |
The effect of sociolinguistic cues on dialectal speaker adaptation: A study on pin-pen merger ▪ Kiwako Ito & Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (The Ohio State University) |
The processing of case markers in near-native Mexican Spanish ▪ Jill Jegerski (College of Staten Island, City University of New York) |
Processing English object relatives: Where L2 sentence processing differs from L1 ▪ Edith Kaan (University of Florida), Jocelyn Ballantyne (Utrecht University), Carlie Overfelt (University of Florida), & Frank Wijnen (Utrecht University) |
A discourse explanation for ellipsis parallelism effects ▪ Laura Kertz (Brown University) |
Communicative efficiency and grammatical encoding in speech: Predicting case-marker omission in Japanese ▪ Chigusa Kurumada (Stanford University) & T. Florian Jaeger (University of Rochester) |
Interference-insensitive local anaphora resolution: Evidence from Hindi reciprocals ▪ Dave Kush, Jeff Lidz, & Colin Phillips (University of Maryland, College Park) |
Early bilinguals’ on-line use of lexical and grammatical information in sentence processing ▪ Nayoung Kwon (Nanyang Technological University) & Patrick Sturt (University of Edinburgh) |
Speech rate mediated compensation for assimilation in spoken word recognition ▪ David Cheng-Huan Li & Elsi Kaiser (University of Southern California) |
The subtleties of frequency in morphological processing ▪ Constantine Lignos & Kyle Gorman (University of Pennsylvania) |
Quantity judgments in Yudja (Tupi) ▪ Suzi Lima (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) |
Shared processes in passives and unaccusatives: Evidence from ERPs ▪ Justine M. Lyon, E. Matthew Husband, & Fernanda Ferreira (University of South Carolina) |
Binding accessibility and online anaphora processing ▪ Michael P. Mansbridge & Jeffrey Witzel (University of Texas, Arlington) |
Broca’s area shows a distance effect for both syntactic movement and backwards anaphora in fMRI ▪ William Matchin, Jon Sprouse, & Greg Hickok (University of California, Irvine) |
Reconstruction of censored taboo words in sentence processing ▪ James Nye, Fernanda Ferreira, E. Matthew Husband, & Justine VanDyke-Lyon (University of South Carolina) |
Backward NPI dependencies in Dutch: An ERP investigation ▪ Leticia Pablos, Jenny Doetjes, Bobby Ruijgrok, & Lisa L. Cheng (Leiden University) |
Priming datives by datives and locatives: No evidence for differential effects of animacy ▪ Sandra Pappert, Michael Baumann, & Thomas Pechmann (University of Leipzig) |
Memory for words in sentences: The influence of word frequency and fixation time ▪ Angela M. Pazzaglia, Adrian Staub, Caren M. Rotello, & William Shattuck (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) |
Cognate processing in L1 and L2 sentence context: A first ERP study ▪ David Peeters (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics), Jonathan Grainger (Aix-Marseille University & CNRS), & Ton Dijkstra (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour) |
Predicting the predictable: The effect of proficiency on lexical-semantic processing strategies in adult L2 learners ▪ Dietmar Roehm & Dominik Freunberger (University of Salzburg) |
The effects of task on frequency and predictability effects ▪ Elizabeth R. Schotter, Klinton Bicknell, Roger Levy, & Keith Rayner (University of California, San Diego) |
Grammatical agreement can direct eye movements: Evidence from monolingual and bilingual processing in Russian ▪ Irina A. Sekerina & Tamara Kurtukova (College of Staten Island, City University of New York) |
English lexical stress and spoken word recognition: An eye tracking and visual world study ▪ Jeonghwa Shin & Shari Speer (The Ohio State University) |
The bilingual advantage: Conflict monitoring, cognitive control, and garden-path recovery ▪ Susan Teubner-Rhodes, Alan Mishler, Ryan Corbett, & Jared Novick (University of Maryland, College Park), Llorenç Barrachina & Mònica Sanz-Torrent (Universitat de Barcelona), & John Trueswell (University of Pennsylvania) |
Accommodating syntactic violations during online speech perception ▪ Marieke van Heugten (University of Toronto), Delphine Dahan (University of Pennsylvania), Elizabeth K. Johnson (University of Toronto), & Anne Christophe (EHESS, ENS, & CNRS) |
Masked priming ERP supports the role of literal meaning in figurative language comprehension ▪ Hanna Weiland (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), Valentina Bambini (IUSS, Pavia & Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), & Petra B. Schumacher (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) |
The acquisition of English dative alternation: Proficiency effects in French L2 learners ▪ Mirjana Wurm, Lars Konieczny (University of Freiburg), & Barbara Hemforth (CNRS & University of Paris Diderot) |