Submit Final Abstracts


To submit your finalized abstract, please visit the conference management website ( and use your passcode (received when you initially submitted your abstract) to login into the “For Authors” side of the site (left panel).

Click on “Final Submission”, and you will be taken to a page where you may  upload one single document (MS Word or RTF) containing your presentation’s title, authors (and affiliation information), contact email, list of keywords, and abstract. We will use this file to generate a web-based conference program and an abstracts booklet for distribution at the conference.

Help us meet our objective of one page per abstract in the abstracts booklet, which will be reproduced in black-and-white. The text of the body of the abstract should be something like 500 words plus additional text including examples, data tables, and references. Do not include data charts or diagrams (or photographs, or merchandise samples, or chocolate chip cookies). Do not use footnotes or endnotes. We will not hesitate to cut the body of an abstract that spills over into a second page.

Please observe the following formatting guidelines:

  • Use 10-point Arial font throughout.
  • Use single-line spacing throughout.
  • Set paper size to letter (8.5 x 11 inches), and orientation to portrait.
  • Set left and right margins at 0.75 inches.
  • Set top and bottom margins at 1 inch.
  • If your abstract includes special characters or font-sets, be sure to embed them in the file.
  • Insert a single line between paragraphs, and do not indent any lines.
  • Align all paragraphs (including titles, authors, and contact email) flush left.
  • Avoid using MS Word styles when you format your document.

At the top of your page, include the following information in the order specified:

Line 1: Employ sentence case for the title, e.g., Sensitivity to timbre in native and non-native Offengloffish speakers under varying cheese load: An ERP and visual word study

Line 2: List author(s) and affiliation(s), the latter in parentheses.  List only an author’s university or company as the affiliation; i.e., do not include any laboratory or department name, nor any street address, city, country or planet.  For multiple authors, follow the conventions illustrated below to interweave names and affiliations:

  • Authors with different and/or multiple institutional affiliations
    Wallace Muddlehead (University of Cheeseland, Cheesier Innovations Inc.) & Gromit Wunderhund (Cheeseland Institute of Technology)
  • Authors with a common institutional affiliation
    Wallace Muddlehead & Gromit Wunderhund (Cheeseland Institute of Technology)

Line 3: Provide one and only one contact email address, e.g., [email protected]

Line 4: Provide at least one keyword (or key phrase) in each of the following three categories: the issue or topic addressed by your research, the methodologies employed, the language(s) investigated, e.g.,
Timbre sensitivity; Cross-modal perception; L1-L2 processing; Event Related Potentials (ERPs); Visual world protocol; Offengloffish; Swiss German

NB: We plan to utilize keywords provided to go beyond the usual author index that has been standard in the CUNY abstracts booklet, to include also a subject index and a language index, and possibly a method index.  You are not confined to the conventional keywords of the published literature, and we invite you to generate appropriate keywords and key phrases. (Note, though, that only Matt Traxler may mention fish.)

If you have any questions about this procedure, please email [email protected]; other questions about the conference should be directed to [email protected].

Please submit your finalized abstract by 11:55pm on Tuesday, February 14, 2012.